Taking Exams

Exams for Online Courses
Third party exam proctoring is required for all online exams
If you’re registered in an online course, you’ll be required complete the entire course before taking the final exam.
To access your final exam, you must complete:
- Each online module, including assessments and quizzes.
Please note: If you don’t complete the requirements noted above, your exam cannot be accessed, even if you’ve scheduled the exam with a third-party proctor.
Third Party Exam Proctoring
Third party exam proctoring is required for all online exams. The cost of the proctor is not included in your course fees.
Passing Grades
All courses must have a minimum passing grade of 70%.
Exam Length
Exams are maximum of two hours in duration.
Test online with ProctorU
Live online exams are available 24/7 through our online exam proctoring partner, ProctorU. This is a convenient and affordable way to complete your online exam from any location with internet access, while a proctor monitors you remotely.
All BC Builder courses are closed book. The only course that requires a resource is the Building Codes & Relevant Enactments course and exam as students are required to reference the BC Building Code in order to complete the exam.
For the Financial Planning & Management Final Exam, you will be allowed to use a single scrap piece of paper as well as a Four Function Calculator or Financial Calculator (no online calculators are allowed).
Exam rewrites are available within three months of completing an online course, at a cost of $50 + tax per rewrite. The fee must be paid in advance. A minimum of five business days’ notice prior to the exam date is required to schedule an exam.
If a student does not successfully complete the final exam for a BC Builder Training course, they have a maximum of two (2) additional exam rewrites before the course must be completed again.
Exam rewrites are not available for challenge exams.
If an exam must be rescheduled with less than five business days notice, a $50 + tax fee will apply. No fee will be charged to reschedule an exam when at least five business days advance notice has been provided.
Individuals who have completed an equivalent course with another training provider, or feel they have proficiency in the subject matter may choose to take BC Builder Training’s proctored challenge exam.
The challenge exam was developed to reflect BC Builder Training’s course content, which aligns with BC Housing’s competency requirements for specific subject areas. By successfully passing this challenge exam, students will meet their BC Housing qualification requirements for BC’s core competency.
Students will not be provided access to course materials in order to prepare for the exam. The challenge exam was developed specifically for BC Builder Training course content, which aligns with BC Housing’s learning outcomes for the subject area. A minimum of five business days’ notice prior to the exam date is required to schedule an exam.
Upon successful completion of the exam challenge, students will be eligible for a $100 credit* towards a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course. Students must request the credit from PHBI within 3 months of successfully completing the exam challenge.
*One credit per CPD course. Minimum course price of $500. Credit must be redeemed within 18 months from the date the credit is received.
If you’re registered in an online course, it is mandatory you complete the entire course before taking the final exam. If you don’t complete the entire course, your exam cannot be accessed, even if you’ve scheduled the exam with a third-party proctor.
ProctorU is the third-party proctor company that PHBI is partnered with, for exam process information. Student Support>ProctorU and in the student handbook on your training dashboard.
Make sure to close the course expiry orange bar before starting your exam so that the exam timer is fully visible.
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